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Module 1
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Odds are you started your business or nonprofit (or joined your team) because you saw a problem that you could provide a unique solution for. And you’re probably passionate about it enough to tell everyone!

So talking about what you do should be the easiest thing in the world, right?

In our experience? No.

What stops business leaders dead in their tracks and kills their growth first?

The curse of knowledge.

We spend so much time buried in the weeds of our product, service, or industry that we forget how to explain our solution simply to those who need it the most.

  • Craft messaging that grabs attention and turns browsers into buyers
  • Get total clarity on what you do (and what you don’t!)
  • Validate your ideas with real customers
  • Avoid confusing potential buyers… and losing them in the process
  • Build the foundation for Module 2

Sound good? Let’s get started.

Next Steps

Now that your offer and messaging are crystal clear, it’s time to create a website that brings it to life.

Head to Section #2 to learn how to build a website that converts.

Section 2: Build a Great Website
Go to Section 2

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